Monday, July 26, 2010

Wham! Bam! Thank You Ma'am!

My husband rocks.  He seriously and unequivocally rocks.

As proof, I present our bathroom.  Yes, it is still a work in progress.  However, I cannot contain how giddy I am with how far it has come in such a short time.

Aren't those just beautiful aqua green tiles?  And that tub just screams relax away all of your worries.  *side eye*  I do not know how anyone actually lived with that bathroom.

GOOD-BYE  ugly tile!

GOOD RIDDANCE drywall and subflooring lacking in moisture barriers!
(And no more green floor tile!)

Reinforce structural.  Replace crap plumbing with copper.  Add in a deep 18' inches of soaking tub.  *swoon*

And again...
What is that stuff?  Is that actual moisture and mold resistant backing?  Insanity!
(And yes, my hunky husband usually works shirtless.  It is a rough life.)

Glorious, clean white tile.  All cut and laid by hunky husband. 

New mosaic tile floor.  It took Aut a whopping 3 hours to lay the floor.  *insert wide-eyed look*

Almost there...
All of the tile still needs to be grouted.  The bottom half of the wall will have beadboard.  Obviously, we still need to install the pedestal sink and toilet.  The window will be replaced eventually. 

Here is a bit of inspiration to leave you with an idea of the final product.

Friday, July 23, 2010

False Alarm #1

So I am sure that there will be more to come over the next 6 or so weeks. (SIX WEEKS?!  WHAT?! WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN?!...  Okay, back to my actual post.)  However, this first alarm provided me with much amusement.  Aut, not so much.

We were sleeping away like normal on Sunday night.  And by normal, I mean that I woke up at least 3 times that night.  At least once was to use the bathroom.  Then there were the times I woke up because I had to roll over to my other side due to losing all feeling in one of my hands.  Yes, this is my current 'normal.'

Suddenly, I was screaming in pain.  Excruciating, make your eyes burn pain.  Aut lept out of bed.  I kept saying "I have to stand up, but it hurts too much."  Aut is hurriedly putting his clothes on.  I am continuing to scream in pain.  He makes his way over to my side of the bed to help me stand up.  All the while, he is muttering about how we don't have our bags packed, the carseat isn't installed and the house isn't ready.  As soon as he helps me out of bed, I start stretching out my calf.

Sweet relief. 

This would be when he realizes that I am not in labor.  That my knotted calf muscles are the source of my pain.

I peacefully went right back to sleep.  Aut's adrenaline was pumping too hard and he was up for the next 2 hours before the alarm went off.  I figure that I am going to get more sleepless nights in our future, so it is all fair. 

I guess we should get those bags packed and that carseat installed.

At least we HAVE our carseat.  Right?

And maybe ALL of this baby crap should be moved over to the new house...

On the house front, we are moving in two weeks.  That will leave us with 4 weeks to spare before Mr. Man's due date, but a mere 1 week before I am considered 'full-term.'

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Oh, Hello Stranger(S?)

Why yes, I am still alive despite my MIA blogging status.

It seems that when I made my June goal to blog every single day, I had no idea how much I would suck at it.  Normally when I set a goal for myself, I do everything to reach it...even if I procrastinate until midnight before getting it done.  This time, I have no idea what happened.

Or maybe I do.

It seems that remodeling a house and being pregnant leaves one very tired.  It seems that when one has a spare moment, ones does not get to her blog.  It seems that forming coherent thoughts becomes difficult after painting a room, growing a baby, de-ivy-ing a flower bed, et cetera. 

I truly had the best of intentions.  I thought "Score!  I will track our remodeling progress.  I will keep a record of all of the crazy things I try out in the kitchen.  I will have a place to vent/moan/scream/rejoice about the roller coaster that is being pregnant."  Instead, I took a lot of naps.  And they were glorious.     

The good news is that my part of the remodeling is winding down.  We planned it so that my 'tasks' would be finished as my belly became less manageable.  My to-do list mainly consists of decorating rooms as they are finished.  It is not quite the manual labor I had been doing before, so I should be blogging more regularly. 

The other good news is that I have been taking pictures all along.  At some point you will get an overwhelming amount of before, during and after pictures.  You have been warned. 

I will leave you with a teaser. 

The Master Bedroom

Walls Painted: Check!
New Floors: Check!
Baseboard installed: Check!
Trim Painted: Check!
Window Coverings: Half Check  - bamboo blinds will be installed behind the drapes

To Do:
Light Fixture... and then,


And a little bit of my love...
Klaus cuddling up on Aut during our nightly drive from the current house to our new one <3