Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Creaky Joints

I knew that pregnancy would make my already creaky joints worse.  But...  damn.

I had ACL reconstruction 11 years ago, following a soccer injury.  Then, I re-injured it 2 years later.  This was followed by several inconclusive MRIs.  I've known for some time that I will need to have arthroscopic surgery to detect what is wrong.  And I've been delaying it because I didn't have the time or the right insurance.  All of that procrastinating is biting me in the ass.  My knee likes to randomly swell up these days.  It likes to get stiff and refuse to bend without excruciating pain.  Today is one of those days.  I shake my fist at you, knee.  *Grrrrr!*

To add to my joint issues, I have 'multidirectional instability.'  In layman's terms, this means that I can dislocate my shoulder without pain.  Normally, I get into the gym enough to keep my shoulder in check.  Lately, not so much.  I've been having nightmares that my shoulder dislocates while carrying Mr. Man.  I gently shake my fist at you, shoulder.  *Grrrrr!*

Related to my 'MDI,' supposedly the ratio of elastin to collagen is off in my ligaments.  I have more elastin and less collagen than the normal person.  When I am not pregnant, my hips randomly pop out of joint while I am walking.  My thumbs can bend to lay flat on my wrists.  My knees and elbows hyperextend.  Let's add in the wonderful, pregnancy hormone relaxin.  This equals tons of fun for me.  My already loose joints are a free for all.  I shake my loose fist at you, joints.  *Grrrrr!*

Now, you may be thinking 'How did this old, wimpy lady even get pregnant?'
Currently, I am thinking 'How am I going to get through these last 3 months with the fewest amount of injuries?'

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