Monday, June 27, 2011

A Stripe-ing Obsession?

Lately, I am obsessed with anything patterned.  Gone are the days of a simple solid.  Graphic patterns have my undying love.  My Pinterest boards are overrun with them.

Z Gallerie

Living with Punks


Z Gallerie


But this graphic pattern love is being countered by stripes.  Glorious WIDE stripes.  If I throw the chevron stripe into this group, then my love multiplies. 

This leads to my current dilemma.  Stripes or patterns in the dining area?  I have decided that I will be painting my own curtains in there.  BUT WHAT TO PAINT?! 

Should I get a stencil to replicate these gorgeous curtains? 
Twenty Something

Or should I paint nice, thick stripes? 
The Nester

Or do I go with a chevron pattern?
Nuestra Vida Dolce

Then, I need to decide if I want to go with yellow or apple green.  Or maybe I should go with tan to compliment the wall color, like The Nester did.  I think I will know more once that yellow patterned rug pictured above arrives TODAY.  

Help me out here peeps!  What would you do?

Bonus question:  Should I attempt to knock-off the aquamarine Z Gallerie curtains above?  This stencil looks like it could do the job! 

Cutting Edge Stencils

P.S. Next Monday, I am going to be rolling out a little link-up action.  Check back later in the week to see what it will entail.  Hint: I know you like to SCORE!  Or at least, I do.


  1. I love the second green fabric against the yellow rug...the aquamarine is pretty, but that just seems like too stark a contrast for me. Then again, I'm the queen of tan and navy, so I could very well be full of crap. :P

  2. I was going to vote for yellow at first but I forgot about the awesome carpet. Now I like the tan. I think the chicness of the tan would be a good balance for the fun-ness of the yellow.
